Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Best Day of My Life

Have you ever said to yourself 'This is it. This is the Best Day of My Life'

Or you could be having the absolute worst day of your life.

Here are a few people (and animals) having what could very well be the best days of their lives. Most fall into the unlucky group that have the opposite of this happening.

It's been a long time (since I rock and rolled)

Yes it has been a long time.

I was delayed.

Something came up.

I saw an advertisement in the paper for the perfect job for me.

That's not all the job is about though. I also have to supervise the making of cupcakes.

It can very messy as one would imagine.

So one morning a while back before I went out to apply for my first ever job my mum said to me:

So I was like 'yeah sure, why not?'

And then this happened:

That took me a long time to compile and upload I hope it made up for my long absence